Saturday, March 3, 2012


Breakfast was long awaited this morning. We were up about 1130 PM and waiting for the 630 am breakfast. It is now 11 am here, and we tried to nap, but it did not happen (except Audrie), so we are going to try to stay up as long as we can.

Breakfast was amazing from fish, noodles, pork dumplings, salad, veggies, fresh juiced carrots and carrot and mandarin smoothies to homemade doughnuts which Audrie enjoyed thoroughly. We were very attentively waited on by many staff, and stayed about an hour and a half:-)

Audrie wanted to share a noodle, so mommie and Audrie ate until we kissed (Lady and the tramp reference).

More later... since it only takes a couple pictures at a time, we will have LOTS of posts!

1 comment:

  1. I will pray specifically about adjusting to the time difference. Love that had noodles for breakfast...and love that you 'played' with your food Lady and the Tramp Style!
